Archaeological culture: Hunnu Culture

Dating: 3 b.c. - 2 a.d.
Region:Central Asia
Areal:Eastern Siberia, Altai, Khakassia, Zabaikalje

Description: Monuments of Hunnu culture : barrows with subsquare stone platforms, special entrances (“dromoses”), deep grave pits, frameworks, sepulchres and ritual inhumations; round stone circles with ground pit and sepulchres with ritual inhumations; hill-forts with square or rectangular walls , moats and dwellings with deep trenches; fortless settlements and petroglyths have been spread over Transbaikal, Mongolia, Tuva, Altai, Minusa. The complete set of objects of hunnu culture covers arms, bows with bone on-lays as well as iron, bronze, bone heads of arrows, bone whistles, lances, broadswords, armours, iron bit, bronze belt plates with the figures of animals, as well as pendants, bells and coins.